The following section illustrates a switch with three VLANs defined as follows:
This example does use protocol-sensitive VLANs that admit only IP packets. This is not a common requirement for most networks. In most cases, VLANs will admit different types of packets to be forwarded to the hosts and servers on the network.
The stations connected to the system generate a combination of IP traffic and NetBIOS traffic. The IP traffic is filtered by the protocol-sensitive VLANs. All other traffic is directed to the VLAN MyCompany.
In this configuration, all IP traffic from stations connected to slots 1 and 3 have access to the router by way of the VLAN Finance. Ports on slots 2 and 4 reach the router by way of the VLAN Personnel. All other traffic (NetBIOS) is part of the VLAN MyCompany.
The example is configured as follows:
create vlan Finance create vlan Personnel create vlan MyCompany configure Finance protocol ip configure Personnel protocol ip configure Finance add port 1:*,3:* configure Personnel add port 2:*,4:* configure MyCompany add port all configure Finance ipaddress configure Personnel ipaddress enable ipforwarding configure rip add vlan all enable rip
More commonly, NetBIOS traffic would be allowed on the Finance and Personnel VLANs, but this example shows how to exclude that traffic. To allow the NetBIOS traffic (or other type of traffic) along with the IP traffic, remove the configure finance protocol ip and configure Personnel protocol ip commands from the example.