Enabling/Disabling Snooping Identities

The identity management feature makes the edge of the network more intelligent by providing access to the devices/users in the network. The identity manager detects the identities through the following protocols:

By default, identity management detects identities through all of the above mentioned protocols. There is no way for the administrator to disable the detection of the identities tht are triggered through the above protocols.

This feature now provides the administrator an option to enable/disable the detection of the identities that are triggered through any of the above protocols. The administrator can now control the identity detection through any of the protocol triggers at port level. This configuration can be applied to identity management-enabled ports only. An error is received if this configuration is applied to identity management-disabled ports.

As part of this feature, the limitation of FDB entries getting cleared on enabling identity management on a port is removed. The identity management module will retrieve the FDB entries learned on the identity management-enabled ports and create the identity accordingly.


All types of Netlogin identity will not be detected if the netlogin detection is disabled.

Enabling Kerberos identity detection does not create identities for previously authenticated clients.