The following is partial output from this command:
Severity Component Title Threshold ------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------- ... ... STP Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) Error InBPDU STP In BPDU subcomponent Warning OutBPDU STP Out BPDU subcomponent Warning System STP System subcomponent Error ... ...
The display above lists the components, subcomponents, and the severity threshold assigned to each. In EMS, you use a period (.) to separate component, subcomponent, and condition names. For example, you can refer to the InBPDU subcomponent of the STP component as STP.InBPDU. On the CLI, you can abbreviate or [Tab] complete any of these.
A component or subcomponent typically has several conditions associated with it.
For example, to see the conditions associated with the STP.InBPDU subcomponent, use the following command: show log events stp.inbpdu
The following is sample output from this command:
Comp SubComp Condition Severity Parameters ------- ----------- ----------------------- ------------- ---------- STP InBPDU Drop Error 2 total STP InBPDU Dump Debug-Data 3 total STP InBPDU Trace Debug-Verbose 2 total STP InBPDU Ign Debug-Summary 2 total STP InBPDU Mismatch Warning 2 total
The display above lists the five conditions contained in the STP.InBPDU component, the severity of the condition, and the number of parameters in the event message. In this example, the severities of the events in the STP.InBPDU subcomponent range from error to debug-summary.
When you use the details keyword, you see the message text associated with the conditions.
The following is sample output from this command:
Comp SubComp Condition Severity Parameters ------- ----------- ----------------------- ------------- ---------- STP InBPDU Trace Debug-Verbose 2 total 0 - string 1 - string (printf) Port=%0%: %1%
The Comp heading shows the component name, the SubComp heading shows the subcomponent (if any), the Condition heading shows the event condition, the Severity heading shows the severity assigned to this condition, the Parameters heading shows the parameters for the condition, and the text string shows the message that the condition will generate. The parameters in the text string (for example, %0% and %1% above) will be replaced by the values of these parameters when the condition is encountered and displayed as the event message.
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