Chalet is a web-based user interface for setting up and viewing
information about a switch. Chalet removes the need to know and remember commands in a CLI
environment. Viewable on desktop and mobile with a quick login and intuitive navigation,
Chalet features an Quick Setup mode for configuring a switch in a few
simple steps. Basic data surrounding port utilization, power, and Quality of Service
(QoS) are available, and more advanced users can configure multiple VLANs, create Access
Control Lists (ACLs), and configure Audio Video Bridging (AVB).
Chalet helps you interact with the switch outside of a CLI environment and
allows you to easily:
Configure the switch for the first time without the use of a console
Configure MLAG between two peers.
Create and upload files to and from the switch.
Install software images and modules directly on the
View status and details of the switch and its slots and ports.
Analyze power efficiency of power supplies, fans, and PoE
Create VLANs and ACL policies.
Enable and disable multiple features, including QoS, AVB,
auto-negotiation, and flooding.
View recent system events.
View device topology (stacked switches only).
Manage users, including defining global and individual security