Configuring Extended Edge
Switching Topology with Full
You can automatically configure an Extended Edge
Switching topology fully or in part. This capability
allows for the more rapid and accurate setup of an Extended Edge
Switching architecture.
However, the disadvantage of full automation is that you must start with an
unconfigured controlling bridge (CB) (out of the shipping box) or unconfigure the CB switch.
To avoid unconfiguring the CB, but to still avoid manually configuring the entire Extended Edge
Switching topology, consider using
partial automation (see Configuring Extended Edge Switching Topology with Partial Automation (Auto-configuration)).
Do not attach bridge
port extenders (BPEs) to a partitioned port. Unconfiguring the CB removes the port partition
configuration, and this causes full automation to fail.
Full automation for Extended Edge
Switching performs the following tasks:
Determines if the switch is capable of
being a CB.
Assigns the next available slot
number to each BPE.
Creates LAGs/MLAGs on cascade
Adds ports to existing cascade port
Defaults to stacking-support enabled mode with Extended Edge
Switching on stacking.
ZTPStack will enable
Extended Edge
Switching upon detection of
an attached BPE, but will not reboot the switch. Stacking automation (push button or
easy-setup) completes this task.
For full automation, the entire process can take about 6–7 minutes to complete depending
upon the configuration.
To start full automation for Extended Edge
(Optional) If you are setting up
redundant CBs, connect the two CBs to each other.
Attach BPE(s).
Ensure that full automation is enabled.
Full automation is enabled by default. Run show vpex:
# show vpex
Virtual Port Extender: Disabled
Auto-Configuration: Enabled
Ring rebalancing: Auto
Zero Touch Provisioning: Nothing Provisioned - Existing configuration present
Port/MLAG Id Slot
should see Zero Touch
Provisioning: Nothing Provisioned - Existing configuration present. If you see
Nothing Provisioned –
Disabled, run restart
process ztpstack.
Ensure that none of the following files
are present on the CB(s):
To avoid having automation start if you do want it to, run terminate vpexztp or perform some configuration prior to attaching BPEs or have a default.xsf (or other similar
file) file in place.
To view automation status, use the command show vpex.