Creating and Configuring New Profiles

When you create and configure a new profile, you are basically writing a script within a profile that can be triggered by system events. For more information on the rules, commands, and variables that apply to profiles, see Profile Configuration Guidelines.

  1. Create and configure a new profile using the following command:

    configure upm profile profile-name maximum execution-time seconds

  2. After you enter the command, the switch prompts you to add command statements to the profile as shown in the following example:
    switch # create upm profile detect-voip
    Start typing the profile and end with a . as the first and the only character on a line.
    Use - edit upm profile <name> - for block mode capability
    create log message Starting_Script_DETECT-voip
    set var callServer
    set var fileServer
    set var voiceVlan voice
    set var CleanupProfile CleanPort
    set var sendTraps false
    switch #
    The example above creates a log entry and sets some variables, but it is not complete. This example shows that after you enter the create upm profile command, you can enter system commands. When you have finished entering commands, you can exit the profile creation mode by typing the period character ( . ) at the start of a line and pressing [Enter].