With ExtremeXOS 30.3, ISC DHCPv6 client version is upgraded to dhcp-4.4.1.ExtremeXOS supports Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol version 6 (DHCPv6) clients, receiving its IPv6 address and corresponding parameters for any VLAN interface from an external DHCPv6 server. For the ExtremeXOS device to operate as a DHCPv6 client, we need to enable DHCPv6 client on a VLAN interface to obtain an IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 server in the network.
ExtremeXOS DHCPv6 client supports only the stateful DHCPv6 mode of operation in this release. This means an external DHCPv6 server is required to configure the IPv6 address and its related configurations.
Stateless Auto configuration and stateless DHCPv6 modes are not supported in this release.Note
Identity association for temporary address (IA_TA) and Identity association for prefix delegation (IA_PD) is not supported in this release.This is because the mode of operation needs to be changed because ExtremeXOS did not support stateless DHCPv6 and auto configuration DHCPv6 client modes and there will not be any subsequent operation. In the stateful DHCPv6 client mode, the DHCPv6 client requests global addresses from the DHCPv6 server. Based on the DHCPv6 server‘s response, the DHCPv6 client assigns the global addresses to interfaces and sets a lease time for all valid responses. When the lease time expires, the DHCPv6 client renews the lease from the DHCPv6 server. To configure stateful DHCPv6 client based on identity association of non-temporary (IA_NA) address assignment for a VLAN interface use the following command.
enable dhcp ipv6 vlan vlan_name
To unconfigure the stateful DHCPv6 client for an interface use:
disable dhcp ipv6 vlan vlan_name
To display the current status of the DHCPv6 client VLAN state use:
show dhcp-client ipv6 state {vlan}
DHCPv6 client is not supported on VR-MGMT.
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