IPv6 Addresses are 128 bits (16 bytes) when compared to the 32 bit IPv4 addresses. The ExtremeXOS software accepts two standard representations for IPv6 addresses, as described in RFC 3513, section 2.2, items 1, 2, and 3.
2000:af13:ee10:34c5:800:9192:ba89:2311 3f11:5655:2300:304:0000:0000:7899:acde
Leading zeros in a four-digit group can be omitted.
fe80:0:0:0:af34:2345:4afe:0 fe80:0:0:111:0:0:0:fe11 3c12:0:0:0:0:89:ff:3415
fe80::af34:2345:4afe:0 fe80:0:0:111::fe11 3c12::89:ff:3415
Additionally, you can specify an address in a mixed IPv4/IPv6 mode that uses six, four-digit hexadecimal numbers for the highest-order part of the address, and uses the IPv4 dotted decimal representation for the lowest-order remaining portion.
0:0:0:0:0:0: 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:
:: ::ffff:
Both global and link-local IP addresses can be configured on a VLAN or tunnel interface, using the following commands:
configure [{vlan} vlan_name | {tunnel} tunnel_name] ipaddress [ {eui64} ipv6_address_mask | ipv6-link-local
configure tunnel tunnel_name ipaddress [ipv6-link-local | {eui64} ipv6_address_mask ]
where ipaddress refers to the address specified in the above format.
The IPv6 address configuration can be verified using the following commands:
show ipconfig ipv6 {vlan vlan_name | tunnel tunnelname}
show ipconfig ipv6 {vlan vlan_name | tunnel tunnelname}
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