configure esrp elrp-master-poll enable

configure esrp esrpDomain elrp-master-poll enable {interval interval}


Enables the use of ELRP by ESRP in the master state, and configures how often the master checks for loops in the network.

Syntax Description

esrpDomain Specifies an ESRP domain name.
interval Specifies how often, in seconds, successive ELRP packets are sent. The default is 1 second. The range is 1 to 64 seconds.


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the use of ELRP by ESRP in the master state. When an ESRP-enabled switch is in the master state, and you enable elrp-master-poll, the switch periodically sends ELRP PDUs at the configured interval level. If a loop is detected in the network, the transmitted PDUs are received by the switch. The ESRP master switch then transitions to the slave state to break the network loop.

We recommend that you enable both premaster and master polling when using ELRP with ESRP. To enable premaster polling, use the configure esrp esrpDomain elrp-premaster-poll enable {count count | interval interval} .

If you attempt to configure master polling before premaster polling, the switch displays an error message similar to the following:

ERROR: Premaster-poll should be enabled before enabling master-poll!

If this happens, first configure premaster polling followed by master polling (if required).

Specify the interval parameter to configure how often successive ELRP PDUs are sent while in the master state. If you do not specify an interval value, the default value is used.


The following command enables the use of ELRP in the master state on ESRP domain elrp1:

configure esrp elrp1 esrp elrp-master poll enable

The following command configures the ESRP master to check for loops in the network every 3 seconds:

configure esrp elrp1 esrp elrp-master-poll enable interval 3


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.1.

Platform Availability