configure snmp add community

configure snmp add community [readonly | readwrite] alphanumeric_string [encrypted enc_community_name | community name | hex hex_community_name ] store-encrypted


Adds a SNMP read or read/write community string.

Syntax Description

readonly Specifies read-only access to the system.
readwrite Specifies read and write access to the system.
encryptedCommunity name is encrypted.
hexProvide value in hexadecimal.
hex_community_nameCommunity name in hexadecimal.
store-encryptedCommunity name will be stored as encrypted, instead plain text.
alphanumeric_string Specifies an SNMP community string name. See “Usage Guidelines” for more information.



Usage Guidelines

Community strings provide a simple method of authentication between a switch and a remote network manager. Read community strings provide read-only access to the switch. Read-write community strings provide read and write access to the switch. Sixteen read-only and sixteen read/write community strings can be configured on the switch, including the defaults.

An authorized trap receiver must be configured to use the correct community strings on the switch for the trap receiver to receive switch-generated traps. In some cases, it may be useful to allow multiple community strings so that all switches and trap receivers are not forced to use identical community strings. The configure snmp add community command allows you to add multiple community strings in addition to the default community string.

An SNMP community string can contain up to 32 characters.


The following command adds a read/write community string with the value extreme:

configure snmp add community readonly hex 65:01


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

The hex keyword and hex_community_name variable were added in ExtremeXOS 15.6.

Platform Availability