Displays statistical counters related to the specified port or ports.
all | Specifies all ports on the switch. |
port_list | Specifies one or more ports or slots and ports. |
Last table change time: Last time an entry in the LLDP database was added, changed or deleted.
Number of table inserts: The number of times the complete set of information advertised by a particular neighbor has been inserted into tables.
Number of table deletes: The number of times the complete set of information advertised by a particular neighbor has been deleted from tables.
Number of table drops: The number of times the complete set of information advertised by a particular neighbor could not be stored in memory because of insufficient resources.
Number of table age outs: The number of times the complete set of information advertised by a particular neighbor has been deleted from tables because the information timeliness interval has expired.
Tx Total: The number of LLDP frames transmitted by this switch on the indicated port.
Tx Total Length Exceeded: The number of LLDP frames sent out on this port that could not hold all the information configured because the total frame length would exceed the maximum LDDPDU size of 1500 bytes.
Rx Total: The number of valid LLDP frames received by this switch on the indicated port, while this LLDP agent is enabled.
Rx Discarded: The number of LLDP frames received by this switch on the indicated port, and then discarded for any reason.
Rx Errors: The number of invalid LLDP frames received by this switch on the indicated port, while this LLDP agent is enabled.
TLVs Discarded: The number of LLDP TLVs discarded for any reason by this switch on the indicated port.
TLVs Unrecognized: The number of LLDP TLVs received on the given port that are not recognized by the switch.
The following example lists statistical counters for all ports on the switch:
# show lldp port all statistics Last table change time : Fri Dec 17 10:42:33 2004 Number of Table Inserts : 3 Number of Table Deletes : 0 Number of Table Drops : 0 Number of Table Age Outs : 0 Port Tx Tx LengthRx Rx Rx TLVs TLVs Total Exceeded TotalDiscarded Errors Discarded Unrecogn. =================================================================================== 1:1 189 05654 0 0 0 0 2:2 188 0565 0 0 0 0
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.2.