View System Temperature Information

View information about the temperature for each sensor on the device.

The system triggers an alarm when one of the zones exceeds the threshold temperature value.


  1. In the Device Physical View tab, select the chassis.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit.
  3. Select Chassis.
  4. Select the System Temperature tab.

System Temperature field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the System Temperature tab.




Specifies the range of sensors on the device.


Specifies the name of the sensor.

Temperature (degrees celsius)

Specifies the sensor temperature measured in Celsius degrees.


Specifies the temperature value of the warning threshold for the sensor. When the temperature crosses the warning threshold a warning message is generated.


Species the temperature value of the critical threshold for the sensor. When the temperature crosses the critical threshold, a critical message is generated or the system shuts down, depending on hardware capability.


Specifies the current temperature status based on the warning and critical thresholds.