View Global LLDP Information

About this task

Use this procedure to view global LLDP information, to know which LLDP settings and parameters are configured.


  1. Enter Privileged EXEC mode:


  2. Display LLDP local system data:

    show lldp local-sys-data [med]

  3. Display the LLDP neighbor system information:

    show lldp neighbor [summary] [port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

  4. Display the list of ports:

    show lldp port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

  5. Display the LLDP reception statistics:

    show lldp rx-stats [port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

  6. Display the LLDP statistics:

    show lldp stats

  7. Display the LLDP transmission statistics:

    show lldp tx-stats [port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]


View global LLDP information:

Switch:1#show lldp
802.1ab Configuration:
             TxInterval: 30
       TxHoldMultiplier: 4
            ReinitDelay: 1
                TxDelay: 1
   NotificationInterval: 5

View the LLDP local system data on the switch:

Switch:1#show lldp local-sys-data

                             LLDP Local System Data


               ChassisId: MAC Address        b0:ad:aa:4c:54:00
               SysName  : LLDP agent
               SysDescr : 5320-24P-8XE-FabricIQ (
               SysCap   : Br / Br
Capabilities Legend: (Supported/Enabled)
B= Bridge,    D= DOCSIS,    O= Other,     R= Repeater,
S= Station,   T= Telephone, W= WLAN,      r= Router

View the LLDP neighbor information. You can also view this on a specific port.

Switch:1#show lldp neighbor

                                      LLDP Neighbor

Port: 1/28      Index    : 1                  Time: 0 day(s), 01:16:25
                Protocol : LLDP
                ChassisId: MAC Address        a4:25:1b:52:54:00
                PortId   : MAC Address        a4:25:1b:52:54:1b
                SysName  : BEB
                SysCap   : Br / Br
                PortDescr: Extreme Networks 5320-48T-8XE-FabricIQ - 10GbCX Port 1/28
                SysDescr : 5320-48T-8XE-FabricIQ ( 
                Address  :

Total Neighbors : 1

Capabilities Legend: (Supported/Enabled)
B= Bridge,    D= DOCSIS,    O= Other,     R= Repeater,
S= Station,   T= Telephone, W= WLAN,      r= Router

View the LLDP neighbor summary of all ports on the switch. You can also view this on a specific port.



The EDM tab (Edit > Diagnostics > 802_1ab > LLDP > Neighbor > ) displays only IPv4 addresses. Use CLI to see both IPv4 and IPv6.

Switch:1#show lldp neighbor summary 
                                                           LLDP Neighbor Summary
LOCAL            IP/IPv6         CHASSIS            REMOTE
PORT       PROT  ADDR            ID                 PORT               SYSNAME       SYSDESCR
1/1        LLDP     bc:ad:ab:00:1c:00  1/23               Mgmt_i9_10.1~ Ethernet Routing Switch 4~
1/2        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/2                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
1/3        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/3                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
1/4        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/4                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
1/5        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/5                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
1/6        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/6                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
1/7        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/7                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
1/8        LLDP   f4:ce:48:9e:fc:00  1/8                5320-24T-8XE~ 5320-24T-8XE-FabricIQ (8.~
Total Neighbors : 8

View the LLDP administrative status of all ports on the switch. You can also view this on a specific port.

Switch:1#show lldp port

                             LLDP Admin Port Status

Port       AdminStatus  ConfigNotificationEnable  CdpAdminState
1/1        txAndRx      disabled                  disabled
1/2        txAndRx      disabled                  disabled
1/3        txAndRx      disabled                  disabled
1/4        txAndRx      disabled                  disabled

View the LLDP reception statistics. You can also view this on a specific port.

Switch:1#show lldp rx-stats

                                 LLDP Rx-Stats


Port      Frames      Frames   Frames   TLVs        TLVs           AgeOuts
Num       Discarded   Errors   Total    Discarded   Unsupported
                                        (Non FA)    (Non FA)
1/1       0           0        0        0           0              0
1/2       0           0        0        0           0              0
1/3       0           0        0        0           0              0
1/4       0           0        0        0           0              0

View the LLDP statistics:

Switch:1#show lldp stats

                                   LLDP Stats

Inserts    Deletes    Drops      Ageouts
4          0          0          0

View the LLDP transmission statistics:

Switch:1#show lldp tx-stats

                                 LLDP Tx-Stats


PORT NUM                 FRAMES
1/1                      95
1/2                      95
1/3                      95
1/4                      95
1/5                      95

Display LLDP-MED local system data:

Switch:1#show lldp local-sys-data med
                             LLDP Local System Data

               ChassisId: MAC Address        f4:ce:48:9f:50:00
               SysName  : 5320-24P-8XE-FabricIQ
               SysDescr : 5320-24P-8XE-FabricIQ ( (PRIVATE)
               SysCap   : Br / Br

        MED Capabilities:       CNLSI
        MED Device Type:        Network Connectivity Device
        MED Power Device Type:  PSE Device
        HWRev: 02               FWRev: -
        SWRev:     SerialNumber: TB012132K-H0057
        ManufName: Extreme Networks. ModelName: 5320-24P-8XE-FabricIQ
        Asset ID: TB012132K-H0057

Capabilities Legend: (Supported/Enabled)
B= Bridge,    D= DOCSIS,    O= Other,     R= Repeater,
S= Station,   T= Telephone, W= WLAN,      r= Router
MED Capabilities Legend: (Supported/Enabled)
  C= Capabilities, N= Network Policy; L= Location Identification; 
  I= Inventory; S= Extended Power via MDI - PSE; D= Extended Power via MDI - PD.

Variable Definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show lldp command.




Displays the LLDP local system data.

neighbor [summary] [port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

Displays the LLDP neighbor system information. You can also view this on a specific port.

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.

port [{slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

Displays the LLDP administrative status of a port or all ports on the switch.

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.

rx-stats [port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

Displays the LLDP reception statistics on all ports on the switch, or on a specific port.

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.


Displays the LLDP statistics.

tx-stats [port {slot/port[/sub-port] [-slot/port[/sub-port]] [,...]}]

Displays the LLDP transmission statistics on all ports on the switch or on a specific port.

Identifies the slot and port in one of the following formats: a single slot and port (slot/port), a range of slots and ports (slot/port-slot/port), or a series of slots and ports (slot/port,slot/port,slot/port). If the platform supports channelization and the port is channelized, you must also specify the sub-port in the format slot/port/sub-port.