DHCP Server Configuration (EDM)NEW!

Complete the following tasks to configure DHCP Server using EDM. Complete only the tasks that apply to your deployment.

Before You Begin

Table 1. DHCP Server Configuration
Step Procedure Description
1 Configure DHCP Server Global Settings Configure global settings for the DHCP Server.
2 Configure Global DNS Assign default DNS servers to the DHCP Server.
3 Configure Global NTP Assign default NTP servers to the DHCP Server.
4 Configure Custom Option Definitions Configure this tab to define Custom Options that let you assign non-standard DHCP parameters.
5 Configure Custom Option Data If you've defined Custom Options, assign data values to the DHCP Server.
6 Configure DHCP Subnet Configure a DHCP subnet and assign an IP address pool to the subnet.
7 Configure Subnet Routers Assign IP addresses to subnet routers.
8 Configure Subnet DNS Assign DNS servers for this subnet.
9 Configure Subnet NTP Servers Assign NTP servers for this subnet.
10 Configure Subnet Custom Option Data If you've defined DHCP Custom Options, configure per-subnet data values for those options.
11 Configure Hosts Configure the Hosts tab only if you have hosts for whom you want to reserve details, such as a specific IP address.
12 Enable DHCP Server After you've configured DHCP Server, enable the server on the switch.
13 For High Availability, repeat the DHCP Server configuration on the peer switch

What to do Next

Configure DHCP Relay