You can install EFA on a TPVM in a
single-node deployment.
The EFA tar must be available on the
/efaboot partition of the SLX device. You need root access to
the device.
EFA on TPVM is supported only on the SLX 9150 and SLX 9250 platforms.
Verify that the TPVM is set up for an EFA deployment.
Validate that the TPVM is running version 4.0.0 and that SLX-OS is
running with at least the minimum requirements.
# show tpvm status
# show version
# lsb_release -a
Validate that the TPVM has an assigned IP address.
Validate that the SSH keys are uploaded.
Validate that passwordless access is configured.
Confirm NTP on the TPVM.
# tpvm config ntp add server <ip>
Validate that NTP is synchronized.
If necessary, log in to TPVM and configure the NTP time zone.
# sudo timedatectl set-timezone your_time_zone
Enter SLX Linux mode.
# start-shell
# cd /efaboot
Copy the EFA tar file to the SLX
Deploy EFA on TPVM from the SLX
When prompted, ensure that you
select single-node and either secure or standard mode. For more information, see
EFA Installation Modes.
Verify the status of the
This example shows the flow for installing
EFA on a TPVM in a single-node deployment, which takes approximately 15
device# efa deploy
Starting "efa deploy", please DO NOT hit CTRL+C
Step 1: Checking if TPVM is deployed ...
Step 2: Get IP Addressed assigned to TPVM to deploy EFA
IP Address of the TPVM
Step 3: Checking for EFA packages in /efaboot directory
Step 4: Deploying EFA package efa-2.2.0-15.tar.gz on
Step 5: Checking for EFA Stack...
1) Single-node deployment
2) Multi-node deployment
3) Quit
Please enter your choice (1/2/3): 1
Single-node Deployment
1) Enable secure mode (https with http redirection)
2) Standard mode (http)
3) Quit
Please enter your choice(1/2/3): 1
Secure mode: yes
Step 6: Installing EFA 2.2.0-14...
Started checking system configuration ...
Checking required ports availability ...
Verifying if k3s services are running...
Unpacking images of EFA...
Generating Unix user for EFA use...
Saving EFA user information for this node (tpvm)...
Deploying EFA application...
* Deploying core services
* Deploying ecosystem services
Extreme Fabric Automation Stack is now Deployed and Ready!