Interface Port Channel

EFA Config
interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown
Switch Config Empty
Case MISSING Config
Action PUSH Config
Remarks If the switch does not contain the intended configuration, push the configuration.
EFA Config
interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown
Switch Config
interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
no shutdown
Case MISSING Child Config
Action PUSH Child Config
Remarks If the switch does not contain the child configuration, push the child configuration.
EFA Config
interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown
Switch Config
interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 500 min-rx 500 multiplier 6
no shutdown
Case CONFLICT Child Config
Action PUSH Child Config
Remarks If the switch contains the conflicting child configuration, remove the conflicting child configuration and push the child configuration.
EFA Config

Leaf 1

interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown

Leaf 2

interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown
Switch Config

Leaf 1

interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown

Leaf 2

interface Port-channel 64
description MCTPeerInterface
ip address
bfd interval 400 min-rx 400 multiplier 5
no shutdown
Case CONFLICT Child Config
Action REMOVE Child Config, PUSH Child Config
Remarks If the switch configuration contains conflicting child configuration in terms of invalid Pair IP between two leafs, remove the conflicting child configuration and push the child config with a valid Pair IP.