Port-Channel LACP Timeout

An option at the tenant port-channel level where an lacp timeout short configuration can be set on all the port-channel member interfaces and ICL port-channel members.

EFA Provisioning

efa tenant po create --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --speed <value> --negotiation <value> --port <value> --number <value> --lacp-timeout <short|long>
efa tenant po update --name <po-name> --tenant <tenant-name> --operation <lacp-timeout-update> --lacp-timeout <short|long>


efa tenant po create --name po1315 --speed 10Gbps --port[0/15],[0/15] --negotiation active --tenant tenant11 --lacp-timeout short

Switch Config

Avalanche-11#show running-config interface ethernet 0/15 interface Ethernet 0/15 channel-group 121 mode active type standard lacp timeout short no shutdown ! Avalanche-46#show running-config interface ethernet 0/15 interface Ethernet 0/15 channel-group 121 mode active type standard lacp timeout short no shutdown !