Overlay Gateway

EFA Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
map vni auto
Switch Config Empty
Case MISSING Config
Action PUSH Config
Remarks If the switch does not contain the intended configuration, push the new configuration.
EFA Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
ip interface Loopback 2
map vni auto
Switch Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
ip interface Loopback 2
map vlan 2000 vni 5000
map vni auto
map bridge-domain 4095 vni 8100
Case No Change
Action No Action
Remarks If the switch configuration and the intended configuration are same, accept that the switch configuration has additional configuration.
EFA Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
ip interface Loopback 2
map vni auto
Switch Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
ip interface Loopback 3
map vlan 2000 vni 5000
map vni auto
map bridge-domain 4095 vni 8100
Case CONFLICT Child Config
Action PUSH Child Config
Remarks If the switch configuration and the intended configuration conflict with the child configuration, remove the existing child configuration and push the new child configuration.
EFA Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
ip interface Loopback 2
map vni auto
Switch Config
overlay-gateway fabric-2
ip interface Loopback 2
map vlan 2000 vni 5000
map bridge-domain 4095 vni 8100
Case MISSING Child Config
Action PUSH Child Config
Remarks If the switch does not have the child configuration, push the child configuration.