AFC Server Status tab

The AFC Server Status page displays information about usage requests, such as successful requests, failed requests, and the average response time. The Scheduled Events list contains a list of scheduled events, and detail for each event.

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AFC Server Statistics
AFC Server Statistics
Success RequestsNumber of successful requests.
RetriesNumber of request retries.
APs PendingNumber of APs pending.
Failed RequestsNumber of failed requests.
Average Response TimeAverage response time in milliseconds.
APs RefreshedNumber of APs refreshed.

Schedule Events

This section contains a list of scheduled events, and detail for each event.

Start TimeStart time of the request.
End TimeEnd time of the request.
ContextThe name of the site, or AFC_Explorer if the event came from the AFC Explorer.
Successful RequestsNumber of successful requests.
Refresh ErrorsNumber of refresh errors.
RetriesNumber of request retries.
Updated APsNumber of updated APs.
Average Response Time (ms)Average response time in milliseconds.
MoreSelect to perform more actions:
  • Refresh - Refresh the data on this tab
  • Export all data as csv
  • Export visible data as csv
  • Columns - Check or uncheck each of the listed fields to display or hide the corresponding columns in the events list.