Configuration Template Details



The following Extreme Docker applications are installed with default configuration templates. You cannot modify templates for the following applications:
  • Extreme Defender Application
  • Scheduler for ExtremeCloud IQ Controller
  • AirDefense Base Application

Use a configuration template to install and upgrade container applications in ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.

To add a template:
  1. Go to Administration > Applications and select Add.
  2. Configure the following parameters:
Table 1. Container Application Configuration Template
NameApplication name
TitleApplication title
DescriptionText description
Proxy URLCheck to enable a URL proxy for your application. Clear to disable a URL proxy.
Consider the following when using Proxy URL:
  • Applications are accessible through https://ip:5825/apps/<appname>.
  • After installed, the application can be accessed directly from ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.
  • The internal port in the container must be TCP port 8887.
  • The base URL must begin with the application name. For example: /defender.
  • The application must use relative URLs.
IconThe application icon. Select Change to select a new image file. After selecting a new image file, the Default button displays. Select Default to revert to the default image.
ImageThe application image file name that is used in the Docker Registry. Or, for local files, the application name that is tagged in the local Docker file.
Entry Point ArgumentsProgram used to start the application. The Entry Point Arguments are provided by the container application by default. Provide a value only if you must override the default Entry Point Arguments.
Note: Docker command line options, such as privileged, are not supported.
RegistryDocker Hub is the only supported registry.
Upload File FormatLocal file format.
Logs ConfigLog file format. Valid values include:
  • json-file. Default value, which enables you to view the application logs from the application Details icon in ExtremeCloud IQ Controller.
  • syslog. View application logs from the System log file.
  • gelf. Graylog Extended Log Format.
Restart PolicyIndicates the application restart behavior when ExtremeCloud IQ Controller is started. Valid values are:
  • Always. The application will always restart.
  • Unless Stopped. The application will restart unless it was manually stopped prior to the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller start. The application will keep its current state.
  • Failed. Will restart only after an application failure.
CPU LimitUsed to manage CPU allocation when multiple applications are installed. Max limits are dependent on the appliance platform limitations.
Memory Limit (MB)Used to manage memory allocation when multiple applications are installed. Max limits are dependent on the appliance platform limitations. Default value is 50 percent of maximum limitation.
Volume MappingIndicates folder name and path for volume storage. Volume storage will not be deleted upon application upgrade.
Note: All data is deleted when the application is uninstalled.
Config Files MappingIndicates folder name and path for configuration files, including API key files.
Port MappingConfigure source and destination ports for the application. The external port range must be 32768-65535, because this is the open port filter range.
Environment VariablesConfigure environment variables.