Internal Captive Portal Settings

An internal captive portal resides on ExtremeCloud IQ Controller. Configure the following parameters for an internal captive portal.

Table 1. Internal Captive Portal Settings
Portal name Select an icon to add, edit, or delete a captive portal. When you add or edit a captive portal, the portal configuration dialog displays.
Portal ConnectionIndicates the Interface/Topology that is used for the portal communication.
Use FQDN for connectionUse the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the VLAN instead of its IP address when redirecting clients to the captive portal. This is required for OpenID Connect.
Walled Garden RulesClick Walled Garden Rules to configure policy rules for the internal captive portal.
Use HTTPS for connection(Optional) Indicates that the connection will be secure with HTTPS.
Authentication methodSelect the local authentication method for the Internal Captive Portal. The following authentication methods are supported for Internal Captive Portal:
  • Local—Look up in the local password repository.
  • LDAP—Look up on a remote LDAP server. This option enables LDAP Configuration.
  • Default AAA Server—This value must be configured for Local or LDAP.
Note: Default AAA provides validation of client acceptance status based on provided credentials. Indication of a specific role for policy assignment change is not supported.
LDAP ConfigurationLightweight Directory Access Protocol. Select a configuration or select the plus sign to add a new configuration.