Session Availability

Session availability enables wireless APs to switch over to a standby (backup) wireless appliance fast enough to maintain session availability for mobile users in the following scenarios:

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AP Failover When Connectivity to Primary Fails

The backup ExtremeCloud IQ Controller does not have to detect its link failure with the primary ExtremeCloud IQ Controller for the session availability to kick in. If the AP loses five consecutive polls to the primary ExtremeCloud IQ Controller either due to the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller outage or to connectivity failure, it fails over to the backup ExtremeCloud IQ Controller fast enough to maintain the user session.

In session availability mode (Session Availability Mode), the APs connect to both the primary and backup ExtremeCloud IQ Controller. While the connectivity to the primary ExtremeCloud IQ Controller is via the active tunnel, the connectivity to the backup ExtremeCloud IQ Controller is via the backup tunnel.

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Session Availability Mode

The following is the traffic flow of the topology illustrated in Session Availability Mode:

Session availability applies only to the following topologies: