Device Group Parameters

Configure the following parameters:

Table 1. Device Group Settings
NameDevice Group name.
ProfileThe configuration profile associated with the device group. Each AP platform has a default configuration profile. Select the default profile from the list or take one of the following actions:
  • To add a new profile, select . Then, provide a name and platform.
  • To edit a profile, select .
  • To copy or clone a profile, select . Then, provide a name.
  • To delete a profile, select
RF ManagementThe RF Management profile associated with the device group. ExtremeCloud IQ Controller includes a default RF policy.
  • AP 39xx access points support Default ACS.
  • Wi-Fi 6 AP models access points support Default Smart RF.
Select the default profile from the list or select to create a unique RF policy.

List of APs that match the configuration Profile and Site regulatory domain.

In order for an AP to be included in a device group:
  • The regulatory domain of the AP must correspond with the site Country value.
  • The configuration Profile of the device group must match the AP model number.
Select each AP to include in the device group. Then, select OK. To organize your AP deployment automatically, create Adoption Rules.
Note: You may need to create more than one configuration Profile per AP model, depending on the configuration settings you enable.