Some buildings may completely shield the signal, and therefore the Anchor AP must be installed outdoors.Anchor APs need to be installed where they can receive a GPS signal. The anchor AP needs a minimum 11mc FTM range to non-anchor APs. Before installing anchor APs outdoors make sure the outer wall of the building is penetrable by WI-Fi signals used for ranging.
To ensure GPS signal reception, place a minimum of four anchor APs on each floor, strategically located near windows, on each side of the floor. Four or more anchor APs provide good location accuracy.
To provide FTM AP to AP ranging connectivity, create a grid of anchor APs placed less than 20m apart to cover the interior floor area.
Typical existing Indoor AP deployments for Wi-Fi Service on 5 GHz have the required AP density to satisfy the ranging requirements. In cases where the requirements are not satisfied, add more APs.
Indoor 6 GHz SP deployments depend on the availability of the geo location coordinates of the anchor APs provided by GPS signal. Every deployment will have to be evaluated for indoor GPS signal reception before final commitment. The AP5050 is the supported anchor AP.
Before final commitment and installation, evaluate your deployment for indoor GPS signal reception. For more information, see Conduct a GPS Survey with a Smart Phone for AFC.Place non-anchor APs in the range of at least three other anchor or non-anchor APs. The range of each AP must be able to reach a minimum of three other APs on the same floor. Both the AP5020 and AP5050 can be used as a non-anchor AP.