Look and Feel Settings

Use Table 98 to customize your captive portal.

Table 1. Captive Portal Website Look and Feel Settings
Display Powered by LogoDisplay the Extreme Networks logo at the bottom of all of your portal web pages.
Edit Message StringModify the message displayed to users on the menu bar of any registration or web access page. The default welcome message is "Welcome to the Enterprise Network's Registration Center."
Edit ImagesSpecify the image files used in the portal web pages. All image files must be defined here. Select the plus sign to add images. After the image is added, select to preview the image. After an image file is defined here, it is available for selection from the configuration drop-down lists. The drop-down menu for each image category displays all the images defined in the Images window.
Note: You must add images to each portal separately. Images listed under the default portal are not available to other portals until you have added the image to each portal separately.
  • Header Background Image. The background image displayed behind the header image at the top of all portal web pages.
  • Header Image. The image displayed at the top of all portal web pages.
  • Favorites Icon. The image displayed as the Favorites icon in the web browser tabs.
  • Access Granted Image. The image displayed when the end user is granted access to the network either based on compliance with the network security policy or upon successful registration to the network.
  • Access Denied Image. The image you would like displayed when the end user has been denied access to the network.
  • Error Image. The image displayed when there is a communication error with the server.
  • Busy Image. The progress bar image displayed when the web page is busy processing a request.
Edit ColorsSelect the Background or Text color box corresponding to each item to open the Choose Color window. Define the colors used in the portal web pages:
  • Page — Define the background color and the color of all primary text on the web pages.
  • Header Background Color — Define the background color displayed behind the header image.
  • Menu Bar — Define the background color and text color for the menu bar.
  • Menu Bar Highlight — Define the background color and text color used for the menu bar highlights in the Administration pages.
  • Footer — Define the background color and text color for the footer.
  • Table Header — Define the background color and text color for the table column headers in the Administrative web pages.
  • In-Progress — Define the background color and text color for task in-progress images.
  • Hyperlink — Define the color used for hyperlinks on the web pages.
  • Hyperlink Highlight — Define the color of a hyperlink when it is highlighted.
  • Accent — Define the color used for accents on the web pages.
Edit Style SheetsCreate a style sheet that adds to or overwrites the formatting styles for the portal, or mobile version of the portal web pages, respectively.
Edit LocalesDefine the default locale (language), displayed to any captive portal user unless the client locale detected from their browser matches one of the defined supplemental locales. The list of available locales includes the current default locale and any supplemental defined locales.

Display Locale Selector — Select this check box if you want a locale (language) selector to display as a drop-down menu in the menu bar on the captive portal welcome and login pages. This is useful for a shared machine where the users of the machine may speak different languages. On the mobile captive portal, the selector is displayed as a list of links at the bottom of the welcome screen.

Add — Add a locale to the list of possible locales. Select a Language Bundle value, and the other parameters will auto populate.
  • Language Bundle
  • Name
  • Language Code
  • Country Code
  • Encoding.

To delete a locale, select for the locale in the locales list.