Displaying VPNv4/VPNv6 neighbor information

To view BGP4 configuration information and statistics for VPNv4/VPNv6 neighbors, enter the following command.

        device# show ip bgp vpnv4 neighbors
    Total number of BGP Neighbors: 2
1   IP Address:, AS: 1 (IBGP), RouterID:, VRF: default
    State: ESTABLISHED, Time: 14h47m39s, KeepAliveTime: 60, HoldTime: 180
       KeepAliveTimer Expire in 21 seconds, HoldTimer Expire in 141 seconds
       UpdateSource: Loopback 1
       RefreshCapability: Received
    Messages:    Open    Update  KeepAlive Notification Refresh-Req
       Sent    : 1       40      887       0            0
       Received: 1       35      887       0            0
    Last Update Time: NLRI       Withdraw          NLRI       Withdraw
                  Tx: ---        ---           Rx: ---        ---
    Last Connection Reset Reason:Unknown
    Notification Sent:     Unspecified
    Notification Received: Unspecified
    Neighbor NLRI Negotiation:
      Peer Negotiated IPV4  unicast  capability
      Peer Negotiated VPNv4 unicast  capability
      Peer configured for IPV4 unicast  Routes
      Peer configured for VPNv4 unicast  Routes
    TCP Connection state: ESTABLISHED
    TTL check: 0, value: 0, rcvd: 64
       Byte Sent:   29202, Received: 28108
       Local host:, Local  Port: 179
       Remote host:, Remote Port: 8079
       ISentSeq:    7683960  SendNext:    7713163  TotUnAck:          0
       TotSent:       29203  ReTrans:           0  UnAckSeq:    7713163
       IRcvSeq:   256457831  RcvNext:   256485940  SendWnd:       65000
       TotalRcv:      28109  DupliRcv:          0  RcvWnd:        65000
       SendQue:           0  RcvQue:            0  CngstWnd:       1479

This example shows how to display information for VPNv4 neighbors. None of the other display options are used; thus, all of the information is displayed for all neighbors. The number in the far left column indicates the neighbor for which information is displayed. When the user lists information for multiple neighbors, this number makes the display easier to read.

The TCP statistics at the end of the display show status for the TCP session with the neighbor. Most of the fields show information stored in the Transmission Control Block (TCB) for the TCP session between the device and a neighbor. These fields are described in detail in section 3.2 of RFC 793, "Transmission Control Protocol Functional Specification" .

Syntax: show ip bgp vpnv4 neighbors [ ip-addr [ advertised-routes [ detail [ ip-addr [ / mask-bits ] ] ] ] | [ detail ] | | [ last-packet-with-error ] | [ received extended-community ] | [ received prefix-filter ] | [ routes [ best ] | [ detail [ best ] | [ not-installed-best ] | [ unreachable ] ] | [ rib-out-routes [ ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr /net-mask | detail ] ] | [ routes-summary ] ]

The vrf-name parameter specifies the VRF whose neighbor the user wants to display information about.

The ip-addr option lets the user narrow the scope of the command to a specific neighbor. The display is the same as that for the command without this option except that it is limited to only the neighbor specified.

The advertised-routes option displays only the routes that the device has advertised to the neighbor during the current BGP4 neighbor session.

The last-packet-with-error option displays the last packet from the neighbor that contained an error. The packet's contents are displayed in decoded (human-readable) format.

Thereceived extended-community option displays the received extended community Outbound Route Filters (ORFs) received from this neighbor.

The received prefix-filter option shows the Outbound Route Filters (ORFs) received from the neighbor. This option applies to cooperative route filtering.

The routes option lists the routes received in UPDATE messages from the neighbor. The user can specify the following additional options:

The rib-out-routes option lists the route information base (RIB) for outbound routes. The user can display all the routes or specify a network address.

The routes-summary option displays a summary of the following information:

This display shows the following information.

Table 1. BGP4 neighbor information

This field...


IP Address

The IP address of the neighbor.


The AS the neighbor is in.


Whether the neighbor session is an IBGP session, an EBGP session, or a confederation EBGP session:

  • EBGP - The neighbor is in another AS.
  • EBGP_Confed - The neighbor is a member of another sub-AS in the same confederation.
  • IBGP - The neighbor is in the same AS.


The neighbor‘s ID.


The description the user gave the neighbor when the user configured it on the device.


The state of the session with the neighbor. The states are from the perspective of this device of the session, not the perspective of the neighbor. The state values are based on the BGP4 state machine values described in RFC 1771 and can be one of the following for each device:

  • IDLE - The BGP4 process is waiting to be started. Usually, enabling BGP4 or establishing a neighbor session starts the BGP4 process.
  • A minus sign (-) indicates that the session has gone down and the software is clearing or removing routes.
  • ADMND - The neighbor has been administratively shut down.
  • A minus sign (-) indicates that the session has gone down and the software is clearing or removing routes.
  • CONNECT - BGP4 is waiting for the connection process for the TCP neighbor session to be completed.
  • ACTIVE - BGP4 is waiting for a TCP connection from the neighbor.
Note: When the state frequently changes between CONNECT and ACTIVE, there may be a problem with the TCP connection.
  • OPEN SENT - BGP4 is waiting for an Open message from the neighbor.
  • OPEN CONFIRM - BGP4 has received an OPEN message from the neighbor and is now waiting for either a KEEPALIVE or NOTIFICATION message. When the device receives a KEEPALIVE message from the neighbor, the state changes to Established. When the message is a NOTIFICATION, the state changes to Idle.
  • ESTABLISHED - BGP4 is ready to exchange UPDATE messages with the neighbor.
  • When there is more BGP data in the TCP receiver queue, a plus sign (+) is also displayed.
Note: When the user displays information for the neighbor using the show ip bgp neighbor ip-addr command, the TCP receiver queue value is greater than 0.


The amount of time this session has been in its current state.


The KeepAliveTime, which specifies how often this device sends keep alive messages to the neighbor.


The hold time, which specifies how many seconds the device waits for a KEEPALIVE or UPDATE message from a BGP4 neighbor before deciding that the neighbor is dead.


The name of the peer group the neighbor is in, when applicable.


Whether this option is enabled for the neighbor.


Whether this option is enabled for the neighbor.


Whether this option is enabled for the neighbor.


Whether this option is enabled for the neighbor.


Whether this option is enabled for the neighbor.


Lists the maximum number of prefixes the device accepts from this neighbor.


Whether this option is enabled for the neighbor.


Whether this device has received confirmation from the neighbor that the neighbor supports the dynamic refresh capability.


Whether the neighbor is enabled for cooperative route filtering.


Lists the distribute list parameters, when configured.


Lists the filter list parameters, when configured.


Lists the prefix list parameters, when configured.


Lists the route map parameters, when configured.

Messages Sent

The number of messages this device has sent to the neighbor. The display shows statistics for the following message types:

  • Open
  • Update
  • KeepAlive
  • Notification
  • Refresh-Req

Messages Received

The number of messages this device has received from the neighbor. The message types are the same as for the Message Sent field.

Last Update Time

Lists the last time updates were sent and received for the following:

  • NLRIs
  • Withdraws

Last Connection Reset Reason

The reason the previous session with this neighbor ended. The reason can be one of the following:

  • Reasons described in the BGP specifications:
    • Message Header Error
    • Connection Not Synchronized
    • Bad Message Length
    • Bad Message Type
    • OPEN Message Error
    • Unsupported Version Number
    • Bad Peer AS Number
    • Bad BGP Identifier
    • Unsupported Optional Parameter
    • Authentication Failure
    • Unacceptable Hold Time
    • Unsupported Capability
    • UPDATE Message Error
    • Malformed Attribute List
    • Unrecognized Well-known Attribute
    • Missing Well-known Attribute
    • Attribute Flags Error
    • Attribute Length Error
    • Invalid ORIGIN Attribute
    • Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute
    • Optional Attribute Error
    • Invalid Network Field
    • Malformed AS_PATH
    • Hold Timer Expired
    • Finite State Machine Error
    • Rcv Notification

Last Connection Reset Reason (cont.)

  • Reasons specific to the implementation:
    • Reset All Peer Sessions
    • User Reset Peer Session
    • Port State Down
    • Peer Removed
    • Peer Shutdown
    • Peer AS Number Change
    • Peer AS Confederation Change
    • TCP Connection KeepAlive Timeout
    • TCP Connection Closed by Remote
    • TCP Data Stream Error Detected

Notification Sent

When the device receives a NOTIFICATION message from the neighbor, the message contains an error code corresponding to one of the following errors. Some errors have subcodes that clarify the reason for the error. Where applicable, the subcode messages are listed underneath the error code messages.

  • Message Header Error:
    • Connection Not Synchronized
    • Bad Message Length
    • Bad Message Type
    • Unspecified
  • Open Message Error:
    • Unsupported Version
    • Bad Peer As
    • Bad BGP Identifier
    • Unsupported Optional Parameter
    • Authentication Failure
    • Unacceptable Hold Time
    • Unspecified
  • Update Message Error:
    • Malformed Attribute List
    • Unrecognized Attribute
    • Missing Attribute
    • Attribute Flag Error
    • Attribute Length Error
    • Invalid Origin Attribute
    • Invalid NextHop Attribute
    • Optional Attribute Error
    • Invalid Network Field
    • Malformed AS Path
    • Unspecified
  • Hold Timer Expired
  • Finite State Machine Error
  • Cease
  • Unspecified

Notification Received

See above.

TCP Connection state

The state of the connection with the neighbor. The connection can have one of the following states:

  • LISTEN - Waiting for a connection request.
  • SYN-SENT - Waiting for a matching connection request after having sent a connection request.
  • SYN-RECEIVED - Waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgment after having both received and sent a connection request.
  • ESTABLISHED - Data can be sent and received over the connection. This is the normal operational state of the connection.
  • FIN-WAIT-1 - Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP, or an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent.
  • FIN-WAIT-2 - Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP.
  • CLOSE-WAIT - Waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.
  • CLOSING - Waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgment from the remote TCP.
  • LAST-ACK - Waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent to the remote TCP (which includes an acknowledgment of its connection termination request).
  • TIME-WAIT - Waiting for enough time to pass to be sure the remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its connection termination request.
  • CLOSED - There is no connection state.

Byte Sent

The number of bytes sent.

Byte Received

The number of bytes received.

Local host

The IP address of the device.

Local port

The TCP port the device is using for the BGP4 TCP session with the neighbor.

Remote host

The IP address of the neighbor.

Remote port

The TCP port the neighbor is using for the BGP4 TCP session with the device.


The initial send sequence number for the session.


The next sequence number to be sent.


The number of sequence numbers sent by the device that have not been acknowledged by the neighbor.


The number of sequence numbers sent to the neighbor.


The number of sequence numbers that the device retransmitted because they were not acknowledged.


The current acknowledged sequence number.


The initial receive sequence number for the session.


The next sequence number expected from the neighbor.


The size of the send window.


The number of sequence numbers received from the neighbor.


The number of duplicate sequence numbers received from the neighbor.


The size of the receive window.


The number of sequence numbers in the send queue.


The number of sequence numbers in the receive queue.


The number of times the window has changed.

Displaying advertised routes for a specified VPNv4 neighbor

To display the routes the device has advertised to a specific VPNv4 neighbor, enter a command such as the following at any level of the CLI.

        device# show ip bgp vpnv4 neighbors advertised-routes
     There are 231 routes advertised to neighbor
       Prefix             Next Hop        Metric     LocPrf     Weight Status
1                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
2                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
3                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
4                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
5                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
6                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
7                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310
8                    100        0      BE
         AS_PATH: 310

Syntax: show ip bgp vpnv4 neighbor ip-addr advertised-routes [ ip-addr/prefix ]