Ping and Traceroute for layer-3 VPNs

The Ping and Traceroute utilities have been enhanced to help with management of Layer-3 VPNs.

Ping VRF

There is a VRF option for the ping command. To use this option, enter the following command.

device# ping vrf blue 

Syntax: ping vrf { vrf-name | ip-address }

The vrf-name is the name of the VRF that the user wants to send a ping packet to.

The ip-address is the IP address containing the VRF to which the user wants to send a ping packet.

Traceroute VRF

The is a VRF option for the traceroute command. To use this option, enter the following command.

device# traceroute vrf

Syntax: traceroute vrf { vrf-name | ip-address }

The vrf-name is the name of the VRF that the user wants to conduct a traceroute to.

The ip-address is the IP address containing the VRF to which the user wants to conduct a traceroute.