The Transit Router 1 display

The following display examples are from Transit Router 1. Displays are shown for the show mpls rsvp session and show mpls rsvp session detail commands.

The display for Transit Router 1 shows a Transit Detour (DT) path. The DT path is the detour path that is an alternative to the primary path configured on Ingress Router 4 from Ingress Router 4 to Egress Router 5. This detour path shown from Ingress Router 4 at Loopback IP address to Egress Router 5 at Loopback IP address is only used when there is a failed link or router between the source and destination of the primary path.

device1# show mpls rsvp session 
Codes: DI:Ingress Detour  DT:Transit Detour  DM:Merged Detour
       DE:Egress Detour  RP:Repaired Session
Ingress RSVP:     0 session(s)
Transit RSVP:     1 session(s)
To                From             St    Style Lbl_in Lbl_out LSPname     Up    SE    1028   3       1
Egress RSVP:      0 session(s)

The following example displays the output from Transit Router 1 using the show mpls rsvp session detail command. This option provides additional details about the paths described in the output from the show mpls rsvp session command.

For the DT path, the "Explicit path hop count" field indicates that there is one hop from this router to the egress of the path at the router at IP address (Egress Router 5).

device3# show mpls rsvp session detail
Ingress RSVP:     0 session(s)
Transit RSVP:     1 session(s)
To                From             St    Style Lbl_in Lbl_out LSPname     Up    SE    1028   3       1
  Time left in seconds (PATH refresh: 18, ttd: 146
                        RESV refresh: 15, ttd: 154)
  Tspec: peak 0 kbps rate 0 kbps size 0 bytes m 20 M 1500
  Explicit path hop count: 1 (S)
  Received RRO count: 1
   Protection codes: P: Local  N: Node  B: Bandwidth  I: InUse
  PATH rcvfrom:      (e7/16         ) (MD5 OFF)
  PATH sentto:      (e6/2          ) (MD5 OFF)
  RESV rcvfrom:      (e6/2          ) (MD5 OFF)
Egress RSVP:      0 session(s)