To create an interface level tie-breaking option for the CSPF calculation of a dynamic bypass LSP, complete the following steps.
device(config)# router mpls
device(config-router-mpls)# mpls-interface ethernet 0/8
device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8)# dynamic-bypass
device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8-dynamic-bypass)# tie-breaking least-fill
The following example combines the steps above to configure the tie-breaking command to use the least-fill option for the CSPF calculation of dynamic bypass LSPs.
device>configure device(config)# router mpls device(cnfig-router-mpls)# mpls-interface ethernet 0/8 device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8)# dynamic-bypass device(config-router-mpls-if-ethernet-0/8-dynamic-bypass)# tie-breaking least-fill