Display Dampened Routes Information

Display dampened path information to see which routes are suppressed.

Before you begin

  • Change the VRF instance as required to view BGP information about a specific VRF instance. The VRF must have an RP trigger of BGP. Not all parameters are configurable on non-default VRFs.

  • Enable dampened routes.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > IP.
  2. Select BGP.
  3. Select the Dampened Routes tab.

Dampened Routes field descriptions

Use the data in the following table to use the Dampened Routes tab.




Specifies the IP address prefix in the NLRI field. This variable is an IP address that contains the prefix with a length specified by IpAddrPrefixLen. Bits beyond the length specified by IpAddrPrefixLen are set to zero.


Specifies the length, in bits, of the IP address prefix in the NLRI field.


Specifies the IP address of the peer from which the router learns the path information.


Specifies the penalty based on number of route flaps.


Specifies the number of times a route flapped (went down and up) since the last time the penalty was reset to zero.


Indicates whether this route is suppressed or announced.


Specifies the system-configured time for route reuse.