Variable definitions

The following table defines parameters for the show isis spbm ip-multicast-route command.




Displays all IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information.


Displays detailed IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information.

group {A.B.C.D} source {A.B.C.D}

Displays information on the group IP address for the IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route. If you select source it will also display the source IP address.

vlan <0–4084>

Displays IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information by VLAN.

vrf WORD<1–16>

Displays IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information by VRF.

vsn-isid <1–16777215>

Displays IP Multicast over Fabric Connect route information by I-SID.

The following table defines parameters for the show isis spb-mcast-summary command.




Displays the total number of SPB multicast entries.

host-name WORD<0–255>

Displays the IP Multicast over Fabric Connect summary for a given host-name.

lspid <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx>

Displays the IP Multicast over Fabric Connect summary for a given LSP ID.