The device adds weight to routes that are received from BGP neighbors. In the BGP4+ path-selection algorithm, routes with larger weights have preference over routes with smaller weights.
device# configure terminal
device(config)# router bgp
device(config-bgp-router)# local-as 65520
device(config-bgp-router)# address-family ipv6 unicast
device(config-bgp-ipv6u)# neighbor 2001:db8:e0ff:783a::4 weight 200
The following example summarizes the commands in this procedure.
device# configure terminal device(config)# router bgp device(config-bgp-router)# local-as 65520 device(config-bgp-router)# address-family ipv6 unicast device(config-bgp-ipv6u)# neighbor 2001:db8:e0ff:783a::4 weight 200