Enable IP Directed Broadcast on an Interface

A directed broadcast is an IP broadcast to all devices in a directly attached network or subnet.

About this task

When a device receives a packet with "Broadcast IP" as the destination address and IP directed broadcast is enabled on a Layer 3 interface, the interface floods the packet to all devices in the directly attached destination network.

IP directed broadcast is supported on default and user-defined VRF.

By default, IP directed broadcast is disabled. You can enable it on a Layer 3 physical Ethernet interface or VE interface. This task uses an Ethernet interface as an example.


  1. From privileged EXEC mode, access global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Access interface configuration mode.
    device(config)# interface ethernet 0/2
  3. Enable IP directed broadcast on the interface.
    device(config-if-eth-0/2)# ip directed-broadcast