Enable the Border-Routing TCAM Profile

Enabling the border-routing Ternary Content-Addressable Memory (TCAM) profile ensures that the maximum number of BGP flowspec match criteria and actions is supported in the hardware.

About this task



This procedure requires a system reload to activate the profile configuration.


  1. From privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Enter hardware configuration mode.
    device(config)# hardware
  3. Enable a BGP flowspec profile in TCAM.
    device(config-hardware)# profile tcam border-routing
  4. (Optional) Enable forward or drop statistics using one of the following options.
    device(config-hardware)# profile counters counter-profile-1
    device(config-hardware)# profile counters counter-profile-4
  5. Access privileged EXEC mode.
    device(config-hardware)# exit
  6. Activate the profile configuration.
    device# reload system


The following example summarizes the commands in this procedure.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# hardware
device(config-hardware)# profile tcam border-routing 
device(config-hardware)# profile counters counter-profile-1
device(config-hardware)# exit
device# reload system