Clear BGP4 Dynamic Neighbors

You can clear all dynamic neighbor connections for the following situations: on a device, in a specified VRF, in an EVPN address family, all dynamic BGP EVPN.

About this task


  1. To clear all dynamic neighbor connections on a device, run the following command.
    device# clear ip bgp neighbor dynamic all
  2. To clear all dynamic neighbor connections in a specific VRF, run the following command.
    device# clear ip bgp neighbor dynamic all vrf-red
    This example clears the neighbor connections in the VRF named vrf-red.
  3. To clear all dynamic BGP flowspec neighbor connections, run the following command.
    device# clear ip bgp ip flowspec neighbor dynamic
  4. To clear all dynamic neighbors in a VPNv4 address family, run the following command.
    device# clear ip bgp vpnv4 neighbor dynamic all
  5. To clear all dynamic neighbors in a VPNv6 address family, run the following command.
    device# clear ip bgp vpnv6 neighbor dynamic all