Configuring graceful shutdown for a BGP4 peer group

Configuring graceful shutdown for a BGP4 peer group minimizes traffic loss during a planned shutdown of the peer group by rerouting traffic to an alternate path before the shutdown.

About this task

Perform the following steps to configure graceful shutdown for all peers in a BGP4 peer group.


  1. From privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Enable BGP routing.
    device(config-rbridge-id-122)# router bgp
  3. Configure the autonomous system number (ASN) in which your device resides.
    device(config-bgp-router)# local-as 1000
  4. Add a peer group.
    device(config-bgp-router)# neighbor grp-1 peer-group
    This example configures a peer group named grp-1.
  5. Configure graceful shutdown for the peer group.
    device(config-bgp-router)# neighbor grp-1 graceful-shutdown 600 community 20 
    This example configures graceful shutdown of the peer group named grp-1 after 600 seconds and sets the community attribute to 20. This command gracefully shuts down all the peers in a peer-group. When a route map is not specified, default graceful shutdown parameters are applied. When a route map is specified, only route-map parameters are applied.
  6. Return to privileged EXEC mode.
    device(config-bgp-router)# end
  7. Verify the configuration.
    device# show running-configuration router bgp
     router bgp
      local-as 1000
      neighbor grp-1 peer-group
      neighbor grp-1 graceful-shutdown 600 community 20
    ! example truncated for brevity


The following example shows how to configure graceful shutdown of a peer group named grp-1 after 600 seconds. The community attribute is also set to 20.

device# configure terminal	
device(config)# router bgp
device(config-bgp-router)# local-as 1000
device(config-bgp-router)# neighbor grp-1 peer-group
device(config-bgp-router)# neighbor grp-1 graceful-shutdown 600 community 20