show isis lsdb

Display the Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) Link State Database (LSDB).


Command Parameters

Displays detailed information, which includes the Link State Packet (LSP) ID, the level of the external router, the maximum age of the LSP, the LSP sequence number and the LSP checksum.
Displays the link state database for the ip-unicast.
Displays the link state database for the IPv6 unicast.
i-sid <0-16777215>
Specifies the i-sid value to filter by.
level { l1 | l2 | l12 }
Displays the link state database for the specified level: l1 (Level 1), l2 (Level 2), or l12 (Level 1 and 2). The switch is a Level 1 router, which means it has only Level 1 links and can route within only one area. Level 1 routers route only within their assigned area and cannot route outside that area. Level 2 routers route between areas and toward other domains. Level 1/Level 2 routers route within an assigned area and between areas. Level 1/Level 2 routers maintain both a Level 1 link state database and a Level 2 Link State database.
Displays information on the local link state database.
lspid xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx-xx - 8 bytes
Displays the link state database for the specified Link State Packet (LSP) ID. The LSP ID is assigned to external IS-IS routing devices.
sub-tlv <1-3>
Displays the link state database for a specified sub-Type-Length-Value (TLV). Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) employs Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) as the interior gateway protocol and implements additional TLVs to support additional functionality. TLVs exist inside IS-IS packets and Sub-TLVs exist as additional information in TLVs.
sysid xxxx.xxxx.xxxx - 6 bytes
Displays the link state database for the specified system ID.
sysid xxxx.xxxx.xxxx - 6 bytes
Displays the link state database for a specified sub-Type-Length-Value (TLV). Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) employs Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) as the interior gateway protocol and implements additional TLVs to support additional functionality. TLVs exist inside IS-IS packets and Sub-TLVs exist as additional information in TLVs.
tlv <1-236>
Displays the link state database for a specified Type-Length-Value (TLV). Shortest Path Bridging MAC (SPBM) employs Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS) as the interior gateway protocol and implements additional TLVs to support additional functionality. TLVs exist inside IS-IS packets and give additional information.



Command Mode