LDAP Configurations

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a software protocol used to locate people, organizations, or other resources in a network. LDAP can be used on a public Internet or on a corporate intranet. Configure an LDAP configuration for each LDAP server in your network.

To access or add new LDAP configurations:

  1. Go to Onboard > AAA and select LDAP Configurations.
    A list of LDAP configurations displays. From here, you can search for a configuration, edit a configuration, delete a configuration, or add a new LDAP configuration.
  2. To edit or delete a configuration, select a LDAP row.
    The configuration settings display.
    • To edit, modify the configuration settings and select Save.
    • To delete the configuration, select Delete.
  3. To add a new LDAP configuration, from the LDAP Configurations tab, select Add LDAP Configuration and configure the settings.