L2 Port Details

ExtremeCloud IQ Controller offers detailed physical interface statistics for the selected port. View directional data for received (Rx), transmitted (Tx), and aggregate values for network throughput, utilization, and frame rate.

To view L2 Port throughput and directional packet transfer rates:
  1. Go to Administration > System > Interfaces, and scroll down to the L2 Port pane.
  2. Select Details for the selected port or selected LAG.

The top left displays the port MAC Address and Port Speed.

The following graphical widgets are displayed:
Represents the ratio of current network traffic to the maximum traffic that the port can handle, indicating the network bandwidth usage.
Represents the amount of data that transmits.
Frame Rate
Represents the speed at which images or frames are captured or displayed, measured in fps (frames per second).

Report Duration

From the top of the Port Details page:
  • Select to set the Duration value for the time period reported. Valid duration values are:
    • Last 3 hours
    • Last 3 days
    • Last 14 days
  • Select to refresh the data on demand.
  • Hover the mouse over a widget to display tool tip information.


The widgets report data at the 30-second level of granularity when users select either a 3-hour or 3-day duration chart, and the widgets report data at a 2-minute granularity level when users select the 14-day duration chart.

Example Widgets

The following figures illustrate how to use the widgets to understand data transfer for the selected port.

Click to expand in new window
L2 Port Utilization - Zoom with graph key
L2 Port Utilization graph zoomed in, showing key.
Click to expand in new window
L2 Port Throughput – Aggregate display
Throughput aggregate values display for a selected physical port.
Click to expand in new window
L2 Port Frame Rate - Aggregate display
Frame Rate aggregate values display for a selected physical port.

Chart Actions

Select to take the following actions from the chart menu:
  • View in full screen
  • Print chart
  • Download chart data in any of the following supported formats:
    • PNG
    • JPEG
    • PDF
    • SVG vector image
Select the chart label, Transmitted, Received, or Aggregated to toggle the chart display.
Click to expand in new window
Charts showing toggle feature
Select chart labels to toggle data display.
To zoom in, select an area of the chart and drag. To return to the original zoom, select Reset Zoom.
Click to expand in new window
Chart Zoom


Due to a possible resolution limitation in the graphical display, large spikes in data may not display in Original Zoom. In this case, hover over the chart to display available values in the tooltip. Then, zoom in to view a graph of a limited area in the chart.