Understanding Readiness Maps

ExtremeCloud IQ Controller Floor Plans view offers heat maps to illustrate network readiness, performance, and optimum positioning. The following readiness maps are available:

In addition, see Positioning for details about heat maps that indicate optimal positioning of an AP.

To access the maps:
  1. From the right panel, select Maps to display a list of map types.
  2. To activate a map, select the ball and drag to the right.
    Click to expand in new window
    Network Readiness Maps
    Network Readiness Map
Right-click anywhere on a heatmap to view the numeric value at that location on the map.
Click to expand in new window
Push-Pin Reading for Heatmap Values
Push-Pin Reading for Heatmap Values

You also have the option to Select All APs or Deselect All APs. Use these options in addition to individual AP selection to more easily control which APs are selected.

Use Cases: If you want all but one AP selected:
  1. Select Select All APs.
  2. Right-click on the AP that you don't want.
  3. Select Exclude AP from Simulations.
If you only want one AP selected:
  1. Select Deselect All APs.
  2. Right-click the AP that you do want selected.
  3. Clear the check box Exclude AP from Simulations.