Privacy Settings for WPA2 with PSK

WPA2 with PSK — Network access is allowed to any client that knows the pre-shared key (PSK).

Configure the following privacy settings:
  • TKIP-CCMP — Select this option to use Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) and Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP). Best Practice: TKIP encryption is considered to be a less secure means of communication. An industry best practice is to use a more secure option for network privacy.
  • Protected Management Frames — Management Frames are the signaling packets used in the 802.11 wireless standard to allow a device to negotiate with an AP. PMF adds an integrity check to control packets being sent between the client and the access point. Valid values are:
    • Enabled. Supports PMF format but does not require it.
    • Disabled. Does not address PMF format. Clients connect regardless of format.
    • Required. Requires all devices use PMF format. This could result in older devices not connecting.

    PMF is enabled by default.

  • Input Method. Enter the PSK in String or HEX:
    • String value — Supports a PSK of 1-63 characters
    • HEX value — Supports a PSK of exactly 64 characters and must contain HEX digits only.
  • WPA2Key. The password to access this wireless network.