Guest Portal: Guest Web Access

Table 1. Guest Portal — Guest Web Access
Field Description
Introduction Message The message displayed to a user when they register or gain web access as an authenticated user of the network. Message string parameters include Locale and a Text field for a Terms of Use Statement. The Introduction Message is shared by Guest Web Access and Guest Registration. Modifications affect both access types.
Custom Fields Select the fields to display on the portal website. Set the visibility settings and determine if the field is required.

You can also enable the Display Acceptable Use Policy, and edit the policy for each configured locale.

These settings are shared by Guest Web Access and Guest Registration. Modifications affect both access types.
Redirection Determine redirection behavior. Valid values are:
  • Use Network Settings Redirection. Always redirect based on network settings.
  • Redirection to user's requested URL — Redirects the end user to the web page they requested at network connection.
  • To specified URL — Specify the URL for the web page redirection. Destination field is displayed.
  • Disabled — No redirection. End user remains on the web page where they were accepted onto the network.
The option selected here overrides the Redirection option specified on the Network Settings. These settings are shared by Guest Web Access and Guest Registration. Modifications affect both access types.


Access Control Rule Registered Guests is created. Users who complete registration through the Guest captive portal match this rule. The rule checks for end-system MAC addresses in the Registered Guests group. This rule is present when Guest Registration or Guest Web Access is enabled.