Add a New Floor Plan

A floor plan map begins with a new floor. You can draw a new floor or import a complete floor plan. Additionally, you can export floors or delete floors. Add floor plans when adding a new site or add a floor plan to an existing site


Floor plan limits depend on the appliance. See Floor Plan Limit per Appliance.

To add a new floor plan:

  1. Go to Configure > Sites. Add a new site or select a site and select Floor Plans tab.
  2. In the Manage Floor Plans pane, select to add a new floor plan.
  3. Enter a unique name for the new floor plan and the height of the floor ceiling. Then, select OK.
  4. Draw a floor plan or import an existing plan.
    1. To import an existing plan, click Import.
    2. Navigate to the floor plan file and click Open.
  5. Before you can save a floor plan, at a minimum, draw a boundary or set a background image.
The floor plan displays.
Next, go to Setting a Background Image.