Manage Captive Portal

  1. Go to Onboard > Portal.
    A list of captive portals displays. From here, you can add a new portal, edit a portal configuration, or delete a portal. From the Portal List screen, you can use the Search field to find a specific portal.
  2. To add a new portal, from the Portal Configurations screen, select Add and configure the portal settings.
  3. To edit or delete a portal, from the Portal Configurations screen, select a row.
    The portal settings display.
    • To edit, modify the settings and select Save.
    • To delete the portal, select Delete.
To access the captive portal's user administration page:
  • From any client VLAN where the captive portal is enabled, you can connect to https://client_vlan_ip/administration.
  • From any VLAN or interface with Management enabled (except for Admin), you can connect to https://interface_ip/administration.