Network Snapshot: AP Details

To view network details from the AP screen:

  1. From the left pane, select Monitor > Devices > Access Points.

    The Access Points list opens.

  2. Select an AP.

    The network details for the selected AP display.

    If the AP is configured on a mapped floor plan, a map displays showing the AP location with all associated clients. Select the map to open the floor plan view.

    If there is no map, the Topology diagram displays.

  3. You can also:Select to modify configuration settings. Select to go back to the list.

AP Details

The following details are available for each AP. Details may differ based on the AP model.
  • IP Address
  • MAC Address
  • Serial Number
  • Model
  • Software Version
  • Country
  • Eth Power Status

Status type

Select the status type tab to display the corresponding status page:

Table 2. Tabs on the AP Details Screen
Tab Description
Dashboard Network charts provide client count and radio channel data. Use this information to determine network traffic associated with the AP and channel statistics.
Sites Sites that include this AP. Click the site to show details.
Networks List of network services associated with the device. Click a network to show network details.
VLANs Details about AP Tunnel status for the selected AP and VXLAN information related to MTU packet size. For more information, see AP Tunnel Information.
Note: Supported on Wi-Fi 6 AP models.
Roles List of Roles associated with the device group, of which this device is a member.
Clients List of clients associated with the AP. Add or remove clients from Allow and Deny lists.
Troubleshooting Offers packet capture at the AP, remote console access to the AP, and Smart Poll reporting.
Smart RF View widgets that show information about the following:
  • Mitigation
  • Occupancy and neighbor channels
  • Peer AP visibility.


View the Events table for these Smart RF Event details:

  • Time
  • Type
  • AP Name
  • Serial Number

Select + to expand the event and view details.

Certificate Current credentials in use by the AP.
AP Events AP Event Report that offers various historical information about AP events.