Rule-Level Statistics

ExtremeCloud IQ Controller offers rule-level statistics that track policy rule usage in managing packet traffic. Gather Hit Count statistics for specific roles and specific rules. Widgets indicating roles with Top and Bottom Hit Counts display on the Overview dashboard. Widgets indicating filter rules with Top and Bottom Hit Counts display on the Roles dashboard. Additionally, the Rule Hit Count widget, on the Roles dashboard, provides the actual hit counts for each configured rule per role. Use this information to understand which policies are most often used when managing your network traffic.
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Hit Count Widget on the Overview Dashboard
To access the Roles dashboard, go to Monitor > Policy > Roles and select a role from the list.
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Top Rules by Hit Count on the Roles Dashboard
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Rule Hit Count on the Roles Dashboard

Rule-level statistics are saved per role, per rule, as an aggregate of all mobile user clients. Hit count is collected separately for From User Traffic and To User Traffic, and hits to the default policy are included. When the policy configuration changes, only statistics for the latest configuration are displayed, but data is saved for up to 14 days.

Standard ExtremeCloud IQ Controller reporting duration is supported. Live reporting is not supported.
  • Select to set the Duration value for the time period reported. Valid duration values are:
    • Last 3 hours
    • Last 3 days
    • Last 14 days
  • Select to refresh the data on demand.
  • Hover the mouse over a widget to display tool tip information.


Hit Count reporting is synchronized within an availability pair.