Smart Poll

Smart Poll provides reports that help you determine the health of the connection between an access point and any valid IP address target or valid Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Link stability is determined by Round Trip Time ( RTT) and packet loss statistics. Smart Poll evaluates the link between an individual AP and ExtremeCloud IQ Controller or any user-defined target.

Smart Poll reports are available from the Tools > Diagnostics > Dashboard, from the main Dashboard, from the Sites page, and from the AP page.

From the Diagnostics dashboard and the main Dashboard. The Dashboard widget compares sites based on the average RTT and packet loss stats for all targets and all APs in each site.

Main Dashboard

To access the Poll Sites Stats widget from the main dashboard:
  1. Go to Dashboard.
  2. Select to edit the dashboard.
  3. Select Widgets > Troubleshooting.
  4. Drag the Poll Sites Stats widget onto the dashboard.

Diagnostics Dashboard

To access the Poll Sites Stats widget from the Diagnostics dashboard, go to Tools > Diagnostics > Dashboard.
Click to expand in new window
Dashboard Poll Site Stats
Dashboard widget comparing sites based on RTT and Packet Loss stats for all targets and all APs in each site.

Sites Poll Data

From the Sites page. Charts compare mean RTT or packet loss across all targets in the selected site with quantitative RTT or packet loss across all sites.

To access the sites poll data:
  1. Go to Monitor > Sites.
  2. Select a site.
  3. Select Troubleshooting > Smart Poll.
RTT in the Site Context compares Round Trip Times for selected targets within a site. The grayed area indicates the baseline values for the site.
Click to expand in new window
RTT in the Site Context
Graph showing RTT for selected targets within the site context.
Packet Loss in the Site Context compares packet loss for selected targets within a site. The grayed area indicates the baseline values for the site.
Click to expand in new window
Packet Loss in the Site Context
Graph showing packet loss for selected targets within the site context.

AP Poll Data

From the AP page:
  1. Go to Monitor > Devices > Access Points.
  2. Select an AP.
  3. Select Troubleshooting > Smart Poll.
The following reports are available:
  • Round Trip Time ( RTT) and Packet Loss statistics for a Smart Poll enabled AP. The RTT and Packet Loss table summarizes the average RTT and packet loss across targets configured for the selected AP.
    Click to expand in new window
    RTT and Packet Loss for Selected AP
    Chart comparing mean RTT and Packet Loss across targets in a selected AP.
  • RTT and Packet Loss for a specific target. The dual Y-axis chart shows RTT and Packet Loss over the selected time period for each target configured for the selected AP.
    Click to expand in new window
    RTT and Packet Loss for a specific Target
    RTT and Packet Loss for a specific target.

You can configure Smart Poll for all APs in a device group from the device group Advanced Settings dialog. You can also override Smart Poll configuration for a selected AP.

Report Duration

  • Select to set the Duration value for the time period reported. Valid duration values are:
    • Last 3 hours
    • Last 3 days
    • Last 14 days
  • Select to refresh the data on demand.
  • Hover the mouse over a widget to display tool tip information.