ML-2452-PNA7-01R Antenna Specifications and Radiation Patterns

Table 1. ML-2452-PNA7-01R antenna technical specifications
Parameter Performance
Maximum power 2 watts
Polarization Linear, vertical
Nominal impedance 50 Ω
VSWR 2:1
Radome material ASA
Cable 12-inches RG-58 plenum-rated cable
Mounting method Wall or pole mount
Table 2. ML-2452-PNA7-01R antenna electrical specifications
Part number Frequency range Typical gain Peak gain Azimuth beamwidth Elevation beamwidth Connector
ML-2452-PNA7-01R 2.4–2.5 GHz 7.0 dBi 7.3 dBi 68° 66° Standard N-plug connector
4.9–5.9 GHz 10.5 dBi 12.0 dBi 52° 60°
Table 3. ML-2452-PNA7-01R antenna mechanical specifications
Wind rating Dimensions Weight Temperature
100 mph 105.66 mm × 105.6 mm × 35.05 mm 0.50 lb (0.23 kg)

Storage temperature: −40°C to +85°C (−40°F to +185°F)

Operating temperature: −30°C to +70°C (−22°F to +158°F)

ML-2452-PNA7-01R antenna radiation patterns

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2.4 GHz azimuth and elevation patterns
ML-2452-PNA7-01R 2.4 GHz azimuth and elevation antenna patterns. The azimuth pattern is indicated by solid blue line, and the elevation pattern is indicated by broken red line.
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5.5 GHz azimuth and elevation patterns
ML-2452-PNA7-01R 5.5 GHz azimuth and elevation antenna patterns. The azimuth pattern is indicated by solid blue line, and the elevation pattern is indicated by broken red line.