Controller Defaults

The default shipping controller configuration does not include any pre-configured WLAN Services, VNSs, or Roles.

The ExtremeWireless system does ship with Topology entities representing each of it's physical interfaces, plus an admin interface.

The controller system ships with a Topology entity for an admin interface. Topology entities representing the controller physical interfaces must be set manually or using the basic installation wizard.

There are, however, global default settings corresponding to:

These entities are simply placeholders for Role completion, in case roles are incompletely defined. For example, a Role may be defined as “no-change” for Topology assignment.

If an incomplete Role is assigned as the default for a VNS / WLAN Service (wireless port), the incomplete Role needs to be fully qualified, at which point the missing values are picked from the Default Global Role definitions, and the resulting role is applied as default.



You can edit the attributes of the Default Global Role (in the VNS > Globals tab) to any other parameters of your choosing (for example, any other topology, more permissive filter sets, more restrictive Rate Control profile).

It is possible to define a Default Global Role to refer to a specific Topology (for example, Topology_VLAN), and then configure every other Role‘s topology simply as “No-change.” This will cause the default assignment to Topology_VLAN, so that all user traffic, regardless of which role they're currently using (with different access rights, different rate controls) will be carried through the same VLAN.