Viewing the List of Assigned APs

The list of Assigned APs is a list of all APs reported by the data collectors. Assigned APs automatically appear once a scan profile is created. To view the list of APs assigned to this Guardian scan profile, click the Assigned APs tab.

Click to expand in new window
Assigned APs
Click to expand in new window

Assigned APs Tab - Fields and Buttons

Field/Button Description
Wireless APs Identifies the wireless APs assigned to this In-Service Scan profile. May include the AP name or serial number.
Controller Identifies the controller associated with the wireless AP. An IP address indicates a remote data collector. Local Controller indicates a controller local to the AP.
Assigned to Site/Load group/WLAN service Indicates with a Y (Yes) or N (No) if the AP is assigned to a Site, Load Group, or WLAN Service.
Search To search for a profile in the list, enter the full name of a scan profile and press Enter.
Select All Select all APs in the list.
Deselect All Clear the selection of all APs in the list.
Save Click to save changes.

The list of Assigned APs are APs that are available to any scan profile. However, an AP can only be assigned to one scan profile.